Sunday, January 3, 2010

Late New Year least I celebrated New Year..!! :D (Even as I make this D..why do I not feel like grinning??)
Well, you wont call it celebration exactly, but well, the New Year shopping is done (well, almost) and I am sooooooooo tired....!! IP Mall...definitely NOT a place where you'd want to be right now. Of course, it's Sunday, so its always crowded, but today, for some reason, it was double filled with absolute filthy people (were they even humans???)
And Globus....even more definitely not a place to go right now. Never seen a stock as literally faaltu and ghatiya like the one today. It's just a bad day I guess. I got into a fight two times (verbal, obviously) and got out of it too, but still, not my day..I am sure of that..!!

The only thing which was bright about today is well, just the fact that it is a Sunday, so my damned tutor didn't show up..phew...!!
Oh, and of course I finally got The Lost Symbol from Toys Junction...!!!!!! :)) Well okay, atleast I SAW it. I still can't believe it, that I saw it, and I FORGOT to buy it. Sounds lame, huh? I had to get out of the shop for some reason, and then I just forgot I had to get that book...!! :((
Will buy it tomorrow hopefully. Oh Dead Lord, please, please, PLEASE don't let someone else buy it..!! Please please please please....PLEASE...!!!

Still have to go to JHV Mall later at night but I don't want to..!! If I say that out loud to somebody over here, they are gonna kill me literally. I havent really been what you call a good company today. Whatever. Like Hannah says "Everybody has those days". Today is my day I guess....
Even while I am writing this, everybody is outside "having fun" (which has totally irritated me beyond repair...exactly why I somehow convinced everyone that I'm really tired..which I am...but moreover..I just didnt wanna go at all......Im better off here....I still dont know WHY Im sitting on the computer when I should be out....Why did one-of-those-days have to be TODAY????) and stuff like that. I dont even feel like writing :((

Will just stop.....
Write more later...Ciao..!!

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