Tuesday, January 12, 2010

2 days away from Life...

I'm soo wasted (still..!!) Thought of lotsa ways to make myself useful...join some class (like an art class, dance class, ANY class for that matter) but I am just very lazy at the moment for that sorta stuff....so I ended up spending the day just the same, doing nothing, just sitting, laying around...
Though my tutor showed up to spoil my day with useless maths. Current chapter- Playing with Numbers...all you have to do is find the number thats not given with hella easy clues. I mean, excuse me, but how the hell is it gonna be helpful to me in the future I mean really..???
Even History is a total sucker...how in the hell is it gonna some in handy EVER, I dont understand. And the million of times I've asked my history teachers, the response I get is "If u dunno what inventions or discoveries have been made in the past, how will you understand the future....or create some in the coming decades..??" For one, every student has enough civic sense to know of the existence of all sorta inventinos and discoveries that occurred in the past, coz they are all used in one way or the other. And for another, seriously...do we really learn of the inventions and discoveries in history at all..?? We have to mug up all kinds of utter shit. What a king inscribed on some freaking wall, or how the tenants lived in the common world, what poems who wrote....Really, WHY would anyone wanna know any of that? And those who are gonna argue, can take special classes. Exactly, history should be like a 3rd language. If someone is interested in all that royal crap, they can opt for it and get screwed...
But those of us who are sane and are much more interested in the present...should be spared..!! Ahh...I hope someone heard my pleas..!! :((

Ohh, and tutors are another story. I dont get it. Why would you wanna go to a place everyday, knowing completely how totally unwanted you are there...?? And how repulsed a student is to see you..?? No, they dont..!! I would never ever be a tutor...EVER..!!

Ohh, and as to my Title...Life refers to SCHOOL..!! :)) Oh my god, do I bloody miss that hellhole..!! Now you know u are missing it bad when u start missing the bitches, dogs, jerks, losers, perverts, morons, and the people who make you take the other direction upon their sight. That's right, I am even missing THEM..!! Just two more days, and then on 15th...finally back to school...finally back to having a life..!! Lol, now-a-days when someone tells me to get a life, I start feeling so centi..!! ;))

Ohh..centi reminds me...SRK looks soo damn cute in the My Name is Khan promos...!! I have to restrain the urge to grab him and kiss him every time I see the promos..!! Aahhh...chhhooooo chhhuuuttteee..!! :D

Listening to Sajda from the same film...nice song...!! Kajol looks gorgeous in the song...and ofcourse my cute SRK..!! :)) The way he blows kisses to Kajol....aahhh..!!

Re-read Double Standards today...and completed it in a single day again..:)) Nick Sinclair is Oh-so-hot..!! (I can say he is hot...coz My Edward is technically cold..:P) Oh, but Edward isnt in the Nick Sinclair list (which Michael Moscovitz from the Princess Diaries TOPS..!! Saw the movie again...he is soo adorable..!! But of course, the Michael in the books, in my fictional world is much much better. Not to mention taller.) Edward is BEYOND all of that..!! I refuse to think he doesnt exist. Coz well, he SO does...!! He is much much more renowned than the people who say he is allegedly unreal (no offence)..!!

Will go sleep now...and as always, think of Robert/Edward and also the farwell party I will be giving to my seniors (yeah I know it's like 4 years to go...but so WHAT...if Im done with the plans...who gets hurt...??)

Au Revoir!!

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