Thursday, January 14, 2010

Blah blah blah

Before I start blabbering, YES, this post is inspired by very new current hot favorite..Ke$ha..!! She is so freaking awesome seriously..!! I (fortunately) came across her song Tik Tok on VH1....the lyrics are soo sexy..!! Oh wait...her voice is sexy...not the lyrics :O...And I am NOT homosexual. I am STRAIGHT..But her voice IS sexy..and thats that..!! I relate the most to that song..I mean my future-self of course..!! :))

The party dont start till I walk in...!!
Cool huh..?? Strongly reccomend her. Listen to all her songs...wont be much...She just released her first album "Animal".
She looks a scary lot like Taylor Swift though...her face hasnt registered...not in my gray-area at least....:/

Ohh...and a very happy Makar Sankranti to everyobdy. And Lohri, Khichdi, Uttarayan too (I guess that's IT..??)
Had so much fun on the terrace today...!! My appartment has a hell lotta entertainers (Not intentionally though :P They are Natural..!! They are just themselves..but it makes us laugh they HATE us..!! *evil laugh*)

I still havent learnt how to fly kites though..:O And my brother is an EXPERT in every sense, seriously. I prefer watching people fly kites. Oh, and of course, spoiling the situation totally when someone else is flying a kite HIGH above. Hello..?? I cant. So you better not..!! :P
Plus, we had this kite which has...yeah...Kareena Kapoor printed on it LOL..!! Nobody...I mean no guy...was ready to fly it haha..But in the end they had to...but it was torn :O

Was out of the house all day...So great....!!
Oh, and the school re-opening is postponed...AGAIN..!! :(( I am seriously dying to go to school now..!!
And Mayank FAVORITE teacher...I mean he is like, the only normal teacher...lef the school..!! :(( Got to know from the seniors....who are fortunate enough to go to school...*sob sob*

Yaayy..!! Best friend's online...she would eat me alive if I dont reply in 2 seconds to every IM lol ;))

P.S. Ke$ha..You ROCK..!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

2 days away from Life...

I'm soo wasted (still..!!) Thought of lotsa ways to make myself useful...join some class (like an art class, dance class, ANY class for that matter) but I am just very lazy at the moment for that sorta I ended up spending the day just the same, doing nothing, just sitting, laying around...
Though my tutor showed up to spoil my day with useless maths. Current chapter- Playing with Numbers...all you have to do is find the number thats not given with hella easy clues. I mean, excuse me, but how the hell is it gonna be helpful to me in the future I mean really..???
Even History is a total in the hell is it gonna some in handy EVER, I dont understand. And the million of times I've asked my history teachers, the response I get is "If u dunno what inventions or discoveries have been made in the past, how will you understand the future....or create some in the coming decades..??" For one, every student has enough civic sense to know of the existence of all sorta inventinos and discoveries that occurred in the past, coz they are all used in one way or the other. And for another, we really learn of the inventions and discoveries in history at all..?? We have to mug up all kinds of utter shit. What a king inscribed on some freaking wall, or how the tenants lived in the common world, what poems who wrote....Really, WHY would anyone wanna know any of that? And those who are gonna argue, can take special classes. Exactly, history should be like a 3rd language. If someone is interested in all that royal crap, they can opt for it and get screwed...
But those of us who are sane and are much more interested in the present...should be spared..!! Ahh...I hope someone heard my pleas..!! :((

Ohh, and tutors are another story. I dont get it. Why would you wanna go to a place everyday, knowing completely how totally unwanted you are there...?? And how repulsed a student is to see you..?? No, they dont..!! I would never ever be a tutor...EVER..!!

Ohh, and as to my Title...Life refers to SCHOOL..!! :)) Oh my god, do I bloody miss that hellhole..!! Now you know u are missing it bad when u start missing the bitches, dogs, jerks, losers, perverts, morons, and the people who make you take the other direction upon their sight. That's right, I am even missing THEM..!! Just two more days, and then on 15th...finally back to school...finally back to having a life..!! Lol, now-a-days when someone tells me to get a life, I start feeling so centi..!! ;))

Ohh..centi reminds me...SRK looks soo damn cute in the My Name is Khan promos...!! I have to restrain the urge to grab him and kiss him every time I see the promos..!! Aahhh...chhhooooo chhhuuuttteee..!! :D

Listening to Sajda from the same film...nice song...!! Kajol looks gorgeous in the song...and ofcourse my cute SRK..!! :)) The way he blows kisses to Kajol....aahhh..!!

Re-read Double Standards today...and completed it in a single day again..:)) Nick Sinclair is Oh-so-hot..!! (I can say he is hot...coz My Edward is technically cold..:P) Oh, but Edward isnt in the Nick Sinclair list (which Michael Moscovitz from the Princess Diaries TOPS..!! Saw the movie again...he is soo adorable..!! But of course, the Michael in the books, in my fictional world is much much better. Not to mention taller.) Edward is BEYOND all of that..!! I refuse to think he doesnt exist. Coz well, he SO does...!! He is much much more renowned than the people who say he is allegedly unreal (no offence)..!!

Will go sleep now...and as always, think of Robert/Edward and also the farwell party I will be giving to my seniors (yeah I know it's like 4 years to go...but so WHAT...if Im done with the plans...who gets hurt...??)

Au Revoir!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Wasted Away....

.....quite literally this time. I was just..well..doing nothing, drooling over some Rob Pattz pics..when it stuck me..I am soo wasted..!! Really...!! Wasted like, simply a waste on earth right now (didnt get something more appropriate. Wont tag "lol" along, coz the last thing I would probably do right now is laugh. Honest.)
With no school ( school ofcourse I dont mean the academics. Everything but it. The bitches, morons, jerks, nincompoops..oh..and the cute guys, awesome friends) to keep me occupied, and let's face it, nothing to mug up, nothing to's is BLANK. Zipped. Close. Over. Done.
All I do is go out, watch TV, Facebook, read (fiction obviously. Nothing of major importance), on the phone for hours...That's it, really. Is there nothing else to life..??

It's 12:31 AM right now, and I've been online for like 4 straight hours. My back aches, I feel bloody sleepy. Mom shouting in the background to turn the computer off....

I'll drift away for now. But...I really, REALLY, need to do something useful.
Good Night..!! :((

Friday, January 8, 2010

My state after 2 States

Like the title suggests....yeah...Im reading another one...!! :))
Chetan Bhagat is a funny writer....without doubt...all his books have been great reads..!! It exceptionally feels nice to read his books because it has a whole lot of India in it...I mean the other international books I read...all but have a glimpse of India...which gets me "Ooohh..India..." His books are all in India..!!

I still havent completed it....but whats left me ruminating is how shallow India still is..!! The desperate attempts Krish has to make to get Ananya's family to like him. The back of the book is SO true..!!

Love marriages around the world are simple:
Boy loves girl..girl loves boy..They get married....
In India, there are a few more steps:
Boy loves girl. Girl loves boy.
Girl's family has to love boy. Boy's family has to love girl.
Girl's family has to love boy;s family. Boy's family has to love girl's family.
Girl and boy still love each other. They get married.

It is sick really. People are still stuck on what caste one comes from. Honestly, are any of the families asked to change their caste or belief? Why the parents are hugely repulsed by inter-caste marriages, I never understand. Nor will I, ever.

Thank God, it doesnt concern me in person...maybe someday it will. I am not sure parents are as modern and forward as they claim to be...take Krish's mother for that matter. Though yeah, this particular dialogue she uses...referring to all South Indians like Hema Malini and Sridevi having it hot for North Indian guys...LOL..!!

Oh, and one thing I dont understand....why is Krish's life in IIT so much like Hari's (from Five Point Someone)
His grades were low, like Hari's. His girlfriend was a professor's daughter, like Hari, and several incidents which took place in Hari's life....occure is Krish's too...and he even refers to them like they already happened. Is this some kind of a joke...or maybe something to make the book compelling..??
Well if it is, it certainly isnt needed, coz the book is awesome without it too..!!

Will definitely complete the book today. I just hope Krish and Ananya get together in the end, coz the prologue suggests otherwise..!! I always stop myself from reading the epilogue beforehand. Hope to continue that till the end of the book...

Listening to Leave Out All the Rest by Linkin Park....again from Twilight...!! :))
A very unlike Linkin Park song shouting or screaming...wish they did more songs like that...!!

When my time comes
Forget the wrong that Ive done...Help me leave behing some..reasons to be missed
Dont resent me
When you're feeling empty..Keep me in your memories...leave out all the rest

The lyrics are so realistic....people have a tendency to observe..and remember...all possible faults in a person....but hardly ever notice the merits..!! And I accept it, even I spot the faults first...the merits later...much later...and case of no contact with the person...don't even come to know the merits...!!

Oh, and I completed The Lost Symbol too...(DONT READ THE NEXT LINE IF YOU ARE READING/PLANNING TO READ THE BOOK) Never in my wildest thoughts had I expected Ma;'akh to be..Zachary Solomon..... exhilarating really...Dan Brown is pure genius. But some of what he writes literally goes over my head. And yeah, Just like Langdon, I also closed the book with Hope that something miraculous will happen..!!

Hasta la vista (inspired by Camp Rock lol...saw it on youtube today....I mean the song...the movie isnt worth a single watch)
Oh...and I strongyl 2 States..!!
Bye now..!! :))

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Late New Year least I celebrated New Year..!! :D (Even as I make this D..why do I not feel like grinning??)
Well, you wont call it celebration exactly, but well, the New Year shopping is done (well, almost) and I am sooooooooo tired....!! IP Mall...definitely NOT a place where you'd want to be right now. Of course, it's Sunday, so its always crowded, but today, for some reason, it was double filled with absolute filthy people (were they even humans???)
And Globus....even more definitely not a place to go right now. Never seen a stock as literally faaltu and ghatiya like the one today. It's just a bad day I guess. I got into a fight two times (verbal, obviously) and got out of it too, but still, not my day..I am sure of that..!!

The only thing which was bright about today is well, just the fact that it is a Sunday, so my damned tutor didn't show up..phew...!!
Oh, and of course I finally got The Lost Symbol from Toys Junction...!!!!!! :)) Well okay, atleast I SAW it. I still can't believe it, that I saw it, and I FORGOT to buy it. Sounds lame, huh? I had to get out of the shop for some reason, and then I just forgot I had to get that book...!! :((
Will buy it tomorrow hopefully. Oh Dead Lord, please, please, PLEASE don't let someone else buy it..!! Please please please please....PLEASE...!!!

Still have to go to JHV Mall later at night but I don't want to..!! If I say that out loud to somebody over here, they are gonna kill me literally. I havent really been what you call a good company today. Whatever. Like Hannah says "Everybody has those days". Today is my day I guess....
Even while I am writing this, everybody is outside "having fun" (which has totally irritated me beyond repair...exactly why I somehow convinced everyone that I'm really tired..which I am...but moreover..I just didnt wanna go at all......Im better off here....I still dont know WHY Im sitting on the computer when I should be out....Why did one-of-those-days have to be TODAY????) and stuff like that. I dont even feel like writing :((

Will just stop.....
Write more later...Ciao..!!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

This is ME!!

Okay, I know the post title is oh-so-typical! But guess what? I just killed my sense of creativity a while ago. The reason being, BOREDOM!! Winter vacations bring a sense of joy and relief along with it, but, as the time passes, so does the joy. Sitting at home and doing nothing, just being with friends, watching TV till the sun sets, FBing the whole day...all of these can be fun for some time, maybe a lot for some, but after a while, it gets to you (it SO got to me)....I still cant believe I am writing this but well, I AM FREAKING SCHOOL-SICK!!! Thats right. Im missing my damned school, which is more of a hellhole otherwise, filled with all sorta wannabes and loserbags..!! Thank God the majority of sane people is slightly more than the assholes :D In fact, I created this blogger account outta boredom lol! Atleast I'd have something to write, other than the my FB status box!

Oh, I just saw the title, This is ME....and by the paragraph above, I would sure come across as a wining teenager who is bored of having fun :P But well I'm not..!! Ugh, I'll just start..!!

I am 13 years old (I should just write 14, coz thats what I'd be in the coming February, but as per my new year resolution, which is well, I will try to lie as less as possible...which I dunno who am I gonna follow..well...wueva...I can still try..!!), studying in DPS Varanasi, a supposedly classy and educational school, filled with all kind of uhm..great teachers (Shit, just broke my resolution dude..!!) But please note SUPPOSEDLY, coz well, it is NOT!! The teachers are anything but great, and the school is anything but educational. Well, I will crib about it later!!
I am very much single, contrary to what many think, my status isnt even complicated...plain single..!! And most definitely NOT ready to mingle. Relationships freak me out honestly. When I see couples (which, thanks to my school, is a LOT of is overfilled with couples) I get goosebumps...I just dont understand WHAT they talk about much they "love" each other?? (Excuse me, but UGH. And also, EWW!) I can always be good friends with guys, but girlfriend? Sorry, I will save that part for my future then. Relationships in high school equal a big NO for me..!! Obviously I cant help liking guys..I do have crushes...a WHOLE lot of it..!! But that's about it..!!

I LOVE reading...its like a drug to me..!! I guess its because surreal things attract me a lot. I dont like to read auto-biographies, coz in a way, its reality, but otherwise, I just love fiction. I am fascinated by things that usually tend NOT to happen in real life. Exactly why Im soo in love with my Edward Cullen..!!
As far as I remember, there hasnt been a single point in my life (from a long time) that I am not reading something (not continuously though...with breaks..) Like, right now, I'm into Judith McNaught, who is sooo very romantic. I ADORE the way she writes, truly!! Reading Whitney My Love by her. Great book. Close to finishing it..!!
Oh, and I am obsessed with Twilight, in case u already didnt guess from my name :P As I earlier said, it is surreal, bizarre, so I love it..!! :))

Other than reading, well, I dont really have a particular hobby. I dont like to paint, or sing, or dance (I mean not like hobbies..I am always humming...and LOVE to dance at parties, but that wont really be a hobby, would it??)
Watching TV, or surfing the net can be counted as my MAJOR ones, if they are classified as hobbies. Oh, and I love MUSIC!! :)) I'm always listening to something. If its not on TV, its on PC, if not there, then on my always-tucked music player!!

I already wrote so much in the about me section...Ive been typing the whole freaking day...fingers are starting to ache now...but I have something else to do?? NO..!!! :((
Other than waiting for my cousins who arrive today!! :D
Did literally nothing on New Years' Eve (I HAD a plan. Was goin to the benares club to celebrate..!! But damn this guy I dont know...but my mother does...who died...well...I know I shouldnt say so...but I'm completely irritated of doing SUE ME..!!...And mom is like..It wouldnt be "nice" to party...:(( Well atleast once they are here, I can celebrate New Year, only 2 days LATER..!! :/

Ciao for now...I have a feeling I'm gonna be regular...Maybe this is gonna be The Winer Diaries lol...only not as intimate and personal like Mia's diary ;))

Oh, and the name is Shambhavi Rai...naam to suna hi hogaa....!! :P :P

And HAPPY NEW YEAR people..!! It's no more 200 something...its 2010!!! Enjoy!! :))