Thursday, March 4, 2010

Happy Independence Day Mauli..!! :)

This blog post is completely and entirely dedicated to my best friend plus cousin Mauli...!! Finally, her exams are over..though of course no such luck for me..!! Oh no, not at all..!! :( But then again, I have got a whole blog to myself to keep crying over it, so lets not spoil the mood..!!
I am sure the next two "examination" days are gonna be almost unendurable for me, considering the fact that in my unconscious mind, I'd be all 'Mauli's exam is over..!! OVER!! I am still freaking studying..!! :( :("
Not a very positive outlook, is it? I know I know...but I cant help it...argh..why the hell did her exams have to end? Like, they started way earlier, I know..but still..its only fair it ends together..!! I dont know why such a simple NORMAL thing is bugging me so much. Well, thats me...these things are common when you're me...the hugest stuff passes me by, and I couldn't care less. And such irrelevant, indomitable stuff goes on and bugs me to hell..!!

Shit..turns out I don't really keep to my words. Completely? Entirely? I dont see that..!! ;) So well yeah Mauli, all I can say is congratulations and just please don't come and shout and howl and scream all of course intended to make me feel envious..which of course it will..!! But you wont live to see the consequences..!! :D

I had in mind a post all about what Mauli could do and everything...but I just drowned in the pool of envy and almost my brain is not I guess I could post that later..or maybe not..!! ;o

Just freaking congratulations..(thats the last time I am using this word now!!)
Enjoy and have fun akele-akele for two days..after which MY exams will be over...cease to darkness...!! Haha, the last words were to add a filmy touch to it..!! ;)
Somehow this MY-exams-will-be-over thing sounds way more ecstatic than the million congratulations addressed to Mauli..hehe..!! :) :)

Well the last exam is gonna be Hindi...I am pretty sure I can cream it without an ounce of actual preparation *straightens collar (imaginary though, I am wearing a collarless top)* Maths was well, nice..I am pretty sure I am in my scholar position in that one. My tutor is so freaking concerned about it. Thats the only subject he actually teaches me (along with Science of course)!! Others, well, he isn't really good with them (read disastrous) So I prefer studying myself. Actually, its more like, he is omniscient when it comes to Maths and Science and kinda about other subjects too, but in the ICSE way...!! (Weird example, eh?)

PS. To Mauli: This post is completely and entirely about me, and you got a part, so consider yourself worthy and don't bitch about it! ;)
PPS Love you Mauli!! :) :) Congrats (See..I didn't use Congratulations...Oops..I just did..!! :o)
PPS Two more days and I'll be an unhampered, unimpeded, free-spirited bird again..!! :D

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