Thursday, February 11, 2010

Be Human

I am perturbed, agitated, embaressed, horrified and what-not of having to live with such am inhuman mass..!! I was incited to blog earlier, but due to some reasons, I just couldn't.
I KNOW this post is gonna make no difference to those heartless insensitive beings (I am not calling them humans because, they simply aren't) who, for the sake of fun, or for the sake of living (which doesn't make it decent, not at all. It's still just AS callous) have hunted and killed our national animal to extent, that today they're on the verge of extinction. EXTINCTION. I was stunned more than anything else when I read the headlines. 1411 tigers left in India. Only. 1411. That's almost nothing compared to us, humans, who are growing unbelievably each day in quantity, so much that now, over-population has become a matter of serious concern. The ratio is something we should be ashamed of! 1441. Thats less than the number of students in my school!! And if I add the teachers and the staff, not to mention the servants, and the economically poor students of the Shiksha Kendra, it's gonna exceed the quantity of our National Animal. Woo-hoo! Isn't that just great?!
Cruelty to Animals has been a matter of concern since long. I have been given this topic a hundred times in my language classes. Some of us, like me, bother to write. Others simple copy the whole thing from other, submit it, get good grades, and never give it a second thought (Not that they gave it a first thought at all).
Actually, countless things are a "matter of concern". Right. But who is actually concerned? The government is finally waking up, but dude, thats NOT enough. Not an ounce of enough. That is not gonna suffice the need of the hour.
Every one of us has to wake up and do something about it. What, you ask? Frankly, I have no idea what I can do. Many of us are bubbling with ideas on what the government should do. We can convey that, at least. Or dedicate a single status on our Facebook walls addressing the predicament. And please, if you are narrow enough to think what your Facebook friends are gonna think about it, or someone's gonna think you are uncool, or worse, you are gonna get no likes or comments, you might as well go and die, like, NOW!!
Its usual for all us to say that Tiger is our National Animal. Is. Let's work together to protect the existence of this sentence, and not let it change to Tiger was our National Animal. I shudder at the thought of that.
All hunters and poachers, go to freaking hell!!
I cant even write anymore now. I am SO disgusted. Rendered speechless.

Just please, lets save Tigers..!! :(

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